Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 28.12.2009 – 29.12.2009

The Guardian: The top 10 films of 2009 you probably won't have seen – Composer Carter Burwell on his creative process and his favorite scores – These songs were in the script, and that was basically what I had to go on at first. Joel and Ethan had no suggestion about what the score should …

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 11.11.2009

YT: Matrix mykkäelokuvana – "Sininen vai punainen pilleri?" "Mistä minä tiedän, tämä on mustavalkoinen elokuva!" (via @mikepohjola) From Metropolis to Blade Runner: architecture that stole the show – lisänä kuvagalleria Review: Alien (Movietone News, 1980) – hauska lukea aikalaiskommentti: "But none of that saves the film from cliché and distraction. The fact that Scott’s camera …

Muualla noteerattua 5.10.2009

Darling Nikki [Finke]: New Yorker Profile Sparks Profane Response – jatkoksi edelliseen Why Hollywood fears Nikki Finke (The New Yorker) – Hollywoodin tärkein bloggaaja New Yorkerin jutun kohteena Charlie Brooker: I'm not buying these things for myself any more. I'm hoarding them for future generations. – DVD and book purchases fall into two main categories: …

Muualla noteerattua 22.05.2009 – 27.05.2009

These are my links for 22.05.2009 through 27.05.2009