In essence, for a movie like Avatar, we aren’t just consuming the movie itself, we are consuming the hype about the movie – One of the aspects of this phenomenon that I’ve always found fascinating is the seemingly spontaneous impulse to applaud as the closing credits roll. This form of approbation makes sense when the director, screenwriter, and actors are present at the screening, but I’ve always found it odd when none of the people involved in the making of the film are in attendance. But perhaps instead of cheering the creative work of the director and stars, the applause is meant to celebrate the shared experience of watching collectively, the genuinely felt enthusiasm for discovering something new together.
Henry Selick: Slow Bob In The Lower Dimensions (YT) – erilaisia animaatiotekniikoita yhdistelevä pilottijakso, joka jäi aikanaan roikkumaan mm. siksi, että muuan Tim Burton tuli kysymään Selickiä ohjaajaksi yhteen kokoillan leffaan