- Uncomfortable Plot Summaries – # ALIEN: Ship fails to deliver cargo, crew don’t get bonus.
# ALIENS: An unplanned pregnancy leads to complications.
# AMADEUS: Man with health problems receives help from rival.(Ilja Rautsin hämmentävän aivotehtaan kautta tuli tämä)
- Moby/David Lynch: Shot In The Back Of The Head -musiikkivideo –
- One Eyed Monster -traileri, NSFW-ish (YT) – "Porn legend Ron Jeremy has made thousands of films…
but under a moonlit night on a remote mountain…
he's about to make his last."
Muualla noteerattua 17.04.2009 – 18.04.2009
- Facing Ali -dokkarin traileri –
- Jim Jarmusch: The Limits of Control -traileri (YT) –
- Disney Expert Uses Science to Draw Boy Viewers (NY Times) – Children can already see the results of Ms. Peña’s scrutiny on Disney XD, a new cable channel and Web site (disney.go.com/disneyxd). It’s no accident, for instance, that the central character on “Aaron Stone” is a mediocre basketball player. Ms. Peña, 45, told producers that boys identify with protagonists who try hard to grow. “Winning isn’t nearly as important to boys as Hollywood thinks,” she said. Actors have been instructed to tote their skateboards around with the bottoms facing outward. (Boys in real life carry them that way to display the personalization, Ms. Peña found.) The games portion of the Disney XD Web site now features prominent trophy cases. (It’s less about the level reached in the game and more about sharing small achievements, research showed.)
Muualla noteerattua 15.04.2009 – 16.04.2009
- Neil Gaiman / Gahan Wilson: It was a dark and silly night -lyhäri –
- The Girlfriend Experience -traileri – Soderberghin uus
- Paolo Sorrentinon Il Divo -leffan traileri – Kalle Kinnusen mukaan briljanttia tavaraa
- The Hurt Locker -traileri – Bigelow'n uusi
Muualla noteerattua 15.04.2009
- Lymelife-traileri – quirky? ainakin siinä on kaksi Culkinia
- Next Day Air -traileri – huumeita! huumoria! pyssyjä!
- Lars von Trier's Antichrist – Official Trailer –
Muualla noteerattua 13.04.2009 – 14.04.2009
- TV Writing – Pilot School –
- Pushing the Limits on Pushing Daisies – Visual Effects Supervisor William Powloski helps create one of the most eye-popping worlds ever seen on TV, as part of a feature film aesthetic on a TV budget and schedule.
- Hal Douglas, the number two trailer voice guy (NY Times) –