Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 15.07.2010 – 17.07.2010

  • Ben Affleckin ohjaaman The Townin traileri – pyssyjä! räjähdyksiä! Boston!
  • I was Russell Crowe's stooge – It was now quite clear that, unless besieged by some bizarre infatuation, Russell had something in mind for me. Though I knew not what it could be, my imagination become industrious as I began to foresee a new life for me and mine – clothes for Kellie and a bounty of new toys for my little boy, all to be enjoyed in a house we actually owned. After all, next to the Prime Minister and the odd media magnate, there was nobody more powerful in Australia than Mr Russell Crowe, and any crumb that might spill from his table would tumble as a banquet to my world.
  • The Top Film Criticism Sites: An Annotated Blog Roll – Film Society of Lincoln Centerin lista

Trailereita tiistai-illan ratoksi

Centurion – Jos Neil Marshall haluaa tehdä leffan roomalaisista sotureista, I’m so there (vaikka kritiikki onkin ollut aika nihkeää)

Jack Goes Boating – Philip Seymour Hoffmanin esikoisohjauksessa Philip Seymour Hoffman näyttelee epävarmaa miestä, että uusia uria ihan urkenee ja noin

Green Hornet – olen yhä periaatteellisista syistä katkera Stephen Chow’n syrjäyttämisestä, mutta hei: pyssyjä, potkuja ja pommeja Michel Gondryn ohjaamassa leffassa? Kyllä, kiitos.

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 9.07.2010 – 13.07.2010

  • Drawn to Anime: A Hayao Miyazaki Profile – viiisiosainen sarja
  • Skeletons-traileri – jos olisin Briteissä just nyt, kävisin katsomassa tämän
  • HBO Orders Death Pilot From Alan Ball – HBO has greenlighted a pilot for All Signs of Death, a dark comedic drama based on Charlie Huston’s 2009 crime noir novel The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death. Ball is executive producing and directing the pilot, which was written by Huston. The project, which is now casting for an August production start date in Los Angeles, centers on an inveterate twenty-something slacker who stumbles into a career as a crime scene cleaner, only to find himself entangled with a murder mystery, a femme fatale and the loose ends of his own past. "It's not so much about the crime, it’s about the personal story of the central character and his journey back to being fully connected with his life after some very traumatic things,” Ball said.

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 5.07.2010 – 7.07.2010

  • Random Roles: Danny Trejo – I was always Inmate No. 1, and I always had one line like, “Kill ’em all.” [Laughs.] It was like, “I can do this.” I remember a director handed me a shotgun and he said, “Kick in this door and take control.” There was a poker game going inside, and the director said there would be a couple of stunt people inside. He said to improvise. So I kick in the door, somebody jumps up, I bash them with the shotgun, and I ask this guy, “Oh, you wanna die, huh?” This lady starts screaming, and I put this gun right in her face. So the director yells, “Cut! Cut! God, Danny, where did you study?” I said, “Let me see. Von’s. Safeway. Thrifty Mart.” [Laughs.]
  • Tyrant with a Movie Camera | The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceau?escu – The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceau?escu, which had its world premiere at Cannes last month and will be turning up at other film festivals this fall, is an example of what the radical Soviet documentarian Dziga Vertov called a “film object.” Culled from a thousand hours of archival footage and four years in the making, this unconventional documentary assembled by the émigré Romanian film-essayist Andrei Ujic? is a three-hour immersion in a totalitarian leader’s official reality.
  • Death Kappa -traileri – vähän harmittaa, että missasin tän NYAFF:ssa

Trailerituraus, verta ja draamaa

Mortal Kombatin uusintaversio osoittaa, että enää ei tarvita uusintaversioita kehnoista kasarileffoista, koska pääsemme paskojen ysärikuvien kimppuun.

Myönnän: Helen Mirrenin reveal Redin trailerissa pani virnuilemaan. Tässä on taas yksi fanipoikakonseptileffa, joka voi olla hauska (koska ideahan on ihan hauska) tai – todennäköisemmin – kauhea, koska ohjaaja on tyhmä hölömö.

Irakin-sodan veteraania vaivaa PTSD: The Dry Land

Rosmo ja poliisi -meininkiä Australiasta tarjoaa Animal Kingdom

Frodo, Elefanttimies ja, öh, Dominique Pinon ratkovat murhamysteeriä aika tanvintsikoodimaisessa The Oxford Murdersissa (Joo, leffa näyttää tylsältä, mutta jos kuvittelee Hurtin McKelleniksi, on kyseessä melkein LotR reunion!)

Disneyn atk-animaatio Tähkäpäästä näyttäisi olevan Tangled ja sen suurin ansio saattaa hyvinkin olla hiusmallinnuksen kehittyminen.