- So what’s is Dolby Atmos fuss all about? – Say you have a screen door banging in the wind. In Dolby 5.1, if a mixer wanted to send that banging noise to the right surrounds, it went to every speaker in the array. In effect, it wouldn’t sound like a single door, but rather several doors banging in unison. In Atmos, however, if a mixer wants to position that banging sound in a particular part of the auditorium, he can treat it in a manner analogous to the way it would be heard in the real world. The sound is emitted from a single point of origin and is heard as a punctual effect rather than as aural ambience emanating from a broader area of the theatre.
- Tyylivinkkejä Twin Peaksista –
- Need for Speed – 3 NFB Films About Stuntmen & Daredevils –
Mitä tapahtui saippuaoopperoille?
Henry Jenkinsin blogissa oli taannoin kiinnostava haastattelu saippuaoopperoista: 1. osa, 2. osa ja 3. osa. Niillähän menee Yhdysvalloissa ilmeisen huonosti, mistä kertoo All My Childrenin ja One Life to Liven kuolema ja uudelleensyntyminen netissä.
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 2.05.2013
- Nineties’ Great Stand-up Sitcom Boom and Bust – This was the era of the great stand-up sitcom boom when, fueled by the success of Seinfeld, Roseanne, and Home Improvement, network executives raided comedy clubs and threw high-priced TV offers at any comic within heckling distance. By the 1993-94 season, every big network but CBS was regularly adding at least one or two stand-up sitcoms to its schedule every year, burning through comics at an astounding rate.
- What’s up with the kids from Kids? –
- Some choice bits from Shane Black’s screenplays – mostly meta jokes but hey
Maaliskuun ja huhtikuun tiivistykset
CLOSE-UP (IR’90): What a fascinating, quietly captivating film.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 1, 2013
THE LONELIEST PLANET (US/DE’11): It feel aware of/to the locations. Best onscreen couple I’ve seen since Another Year, maybe?
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 2, 2013
BROKEN CITY (US’13): Unremarkable neonoir provides the required amount of doublecrosses, yet seems to aim for some kind of realism.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 8, 2013
DUPA DEALURI (RO’12): People tearing themselves apart doing the right thing. Loads of wonderful deep+wide compositions w/flocking nuns.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 26, 2013
IDIOTERNE (DK’98): Dogme film #2 breaks Dogme rule #2. They were always taking the piss, weren’t they?
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 29, 2013
OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (US’13): Wonder if I’ll see a more stupid film this year.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) April 2, 2013
SONG FOR MARION (UK’13): The cinematic equivalent of having someone gently touch your shin for 90 minutes with a cotton pad.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) April 3, 2013
POLICE STORY (HK’85): Recut, redubbed, with Danish subtitles – it’s still silly and wonderful in equal measures
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) April 3, 2013
OBLIVION (US’13): Strong production design à la 2011, LOUD FUCKING SOUNDS, storywise a Frankenstein combo of I Am Legend, V, ID4 etc.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) April 10, 2013
Scary Movie 5 arvioituna Domessa.
KÄPY SELÄN ALLA (’66): Looks sharp, some interesting constructive editing (also w/sound), gee the sexual liberation was hard. 4K restoration
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) April 17, 2013
METSÄN TARINA (’12): Superficial non-narrative, some questionable foley for a docu, often horrible image quality – lossy compression etc.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) April 20, 2013
ALASKA HIGHWAY (’13): Flows effortlessly like a river, says something about male friendship. Refreshing, simple.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) April 20, 2013
KERRON SINULLE KAIKEN (’13): Klemola is worth every superlative-honest, understated, engaging, versatile yet consistent etc etc.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) April 21, 2013
ÄTA SOVA DÖ (SE’12): A slice-of-lifer: Energetic, slightly aimless working class youth gets fired. (Too) Twitchy, handheld photography.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) April 21, 2013
(Tweetissä luki ”söva”, sillä en osaa kirjoittaa.)
IRON MAN 3 (US’13): A few laughs, some appropriate in character dickish behaviour from Downey Jr, flawless CGI, inessential.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) April 22, 2013
TO THE WONDER (US’12): Spinning backlit glass globe and I don’t care for the voice-over but there’s no way not to be enraptured
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) April 24, 2013
Vasta 67 elokuvaa, vaikka ollaan jo toukokuussa.