Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 6.04.2012 – 7.04.2012
- Saturday Night Fever: It’s a Fake – The movie "Saturday Night Fever" was based on an article published in New York magazine on June 7, 1976, almost exactly 20 years ago. That article, "Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night," chronicled the life and times of Vincent, "the very best dancer in Bay Ridge — the Ultimate Face." Hollywood appropriated the name, Tony Manero, from a real Brooklynite, but the character lives only on film. Vincent, however, was supposedly real-life flesh and blood. So what happened to Vincent? He would be 38 this year, a full generation later. He would have grown into manhood; he may have married and had children. That is, if Vincent had ever existed. The places and the scenery were real but, the writer of the article now says Vincent was a figment of his imagination. "He is completely made-up, a total fabrication," Nik Cohn said by telephone from his Long Island home.
- Larry David lunches with the FT –
- David Simon on Wearying ’Wire’ Love – The number of people blogging television online — it’s ridiculous. They don’t know what we’re building. And by the way, that’s true for the people who say we’re great. They don’t know. It doesn’t matter whether they love it or they hate it. It doesn’t mean anything until there’s a beginning, middle and an end. If you want television to be a serious storytelling medium, you’re up against a lot of human dynamic that is arrayed against you. Not the least of which are people who arrived to “The Wire” late, planted their feet, and want to explain to everybody why it’s so cool. Glad to hear it. But you weren’t paying attention. You got led there at the end and generally speaking, you’re asserting for the wrong things.
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 3.04.2012 – 6.04.2012
- And Ten From Michael Caine –
- Titanic stories | fxguide –
- Dark Throne on Vimeo – This is our new in-house paint software "Dark Throne", which can be used for designing norwegian black metal logos… and not much else
Arvostelu: Titanic vetoaa tunteisiin kolmiulotteisenakin
Titanic valloittaa valkokankaat toistamiseen. Edellisestä kerrasta on 15 vuotta ja laivan uppoamisestakin vuosisata, joten uudelleenjulkaisun motiivit ovat epäilemättä puhtaat – siis puhtaasti rahalliset. Elokuva on muunnettu kolmiulotteiseksi, mutta muuten se on pidetty ennallaan, eli Lucas-tyyppistä historian uudelleenkirjoittamista ei ole tapahtunut. Kysymys kuuluu: onko urakassa mitään mieltä?
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 2.04.2012 – 3.04.2012
- Rear Window Timelapse on Vimeo –
- Thierry Frémaux Says No Leak At Cannes Film Festival; "It’s All Lies" – no ei sitten
- The Secrets of Hollywood’s Power Siblings – The Urban Dictionary defines “Late Night Baldwin” as a lesser-known Baldwin brother that one encounters in movies that run after midnight.