- Onko näyttelijän taiteella tulevaisuutta? – Tiivistäen, Stanislavski on vuosisadan kuluessa, myös kaupallisen elokuvan (Hollywood on läpikotaisin stanislavskilaista) ja tv:n ansiosta, tullut "toiseksi luonnoksemme". Jos se omaksutaan lähtökohdaksi, näyttävät kaikki siitä poikkeavat valinnat todellakin vain "tyylilajillisilta"– kuten alumni-illan monet puheenvuorot toistivat.
- Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror tv series (trailer) –
- The Karate Kid rehersal movie (YT) – When they were making The Karate Kid, they decided to shoot each scene's rehearsal with budget cameras so the actors could watch themselves back afterwards. Now it's been edited together so that it forms a version of the movie that looks like it was shot and made by eight graders in their basement, including loads of unseen scenes (via MeFi)
- An anthology of key scenes from classical cinema that are executed in an apparent or actual single shot. –
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 23.11.2011 – 24.11.2011
- Animation Studies – Peer-reviewed Online Journal for Animation History and Theory –
- Telefilm Canada rates a film's success with a 60-30-10 index (commercial, cultural, industrial) – tämähän on aika kiinnostava ajatus: ei lasketa pelkästään rahaa vaan otetaan muitakin mittareita
- Mathematics in Movies –
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 21.11.2011 – 23.11.2011
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 19.11.2011 – 20.11.2011
- What's it like to work as a screenwriter on the 4th season of a TV show – There we were, the first week with almost all new humans, kicking about Leverage ideas. Downey and I were originally concerned going into the new year with a mostly new staff. What we hadn't anticipated (but should've) was the difference between staffing a show that does not exist, and one that has aired 44 episodes — the writers knew the character voices, some of them were actual fans of the show. They came in with the Leverage stories they wanted to tell, as opposed to cool con stories we then hammered into Leverage stories. (Jenn Kao, as you'll see, actually wound up writing her first pitch idea, the one-liner that got her hired.)
- Moby Offers Up Free Music to Filmmakers | Open Culture –
- Amazon.com: Movies & TV Holiday Deals Calendar – lähtee Mad Menin blurayt halvalla jne.
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 19.11.2011
- Charles Taylor: The Problem with Film Criticism –
- Dear Americans, please remake these average UK series – The above examples share one common characteristic – no one cares too much about them. Which is an insensitive way of saying that these shows aren't part of the national consciousness, in the same way as a Life On Mars or a Skins or an Inbetweeners (the original writers are working on the MTV version and I still fear the worst). There's no magic that's going to get lost in translation.
- Sihteeristä huipputuottajaksi – Kathleen Kennedy on nainen hittielokuvien takana – Kalle Kinnusen juttu Suomen Kuvalehdessä