- Television tiiliskivet – Olin ihan unohtanut, että tämä mainio sarja jatkui. Podcast saatavilla.
- Haskell Wexler: The Hollywood Interview –
- Kajola-trailer – scifiä Lagosista, jumanskuide!
- "Lose as many shits as possible" – Monty Python ja ikärajat
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 5.10.2010
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 30.09.2010 – 4.10.2010
- Parallax View -käsis (pdf) –
- The Facebook Movie in One Minute (YT) – Yeah, close enough
- SUPERSTAR Rajinikanth!: The biggest movie star you've probably never heard of (Slate) – n the first scene of Padayappa (1999), he's asked, "Hey man, who are you?" and his answer is a four-minute musical number in which he plays the harmonica, flips through the air, oversees a massive martial-arts demonstration, and then morphs into a baby. At the end, the village chief says, "Padayappa, that song was excellent," at which point the music revs up again, Rajinikanth climbs a 30-foot-tall human tower and smashes open a clay pot, fireworks explode, and the director's credit flies out of it.
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 26.09.2010 – 28.09.2010
- True Grit -traileri – uusi Coen
- The Guardian and Observer Film Season: name the films challenge (video) – 26 hidden movies
- James Burrows, the master of the multi-camera sitcom, applies his revered talents to CBS' new 'Mike & Molly.' –
- David Simon, creator of 'The Wire' and 'Homicide,' wins 2010 MacArthur "genius" Award – another day, another Simon profile
- Kiinalaisilla kauhuelokuvilla on ihan omat ongelmansa – nimittäin niissä ei saa olla mitään yliluonnollista
- What the Hell is a Best Boy? – a little intro to the people below the line
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 26.09.2010
- Steve Coogan + Rob Brydon + Michael Winterbottom: The Trip – apua, tää on mennyt multa tyystin ohi!
- The Social Network @ NYFF (YT) – 30 min news conference + 50 min director's dialogue
- Last on to "The Wire" party! | Ask MetaFilter –