Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 13.11.2009

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 12.11.2009 – 13.11.2009

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 11.11.2009

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 11.11.2009

  • YT: Matrix mykkäelokuvana – "Sininen vai punainen pilleri?" "Mistä minä tiedän, tämä on mustavalkoinen elokuva!" (via @mikepohjola)
  • From Metropolis to Blade Runner: architecture that stole the show – lisänä kuvagalleria
  • Review: Alien (Movietone News, 1980) – hauska lukea aikalaiskommentti: "But none of that saves the film from cliché and distraction. The fact that Scott’s camera is a working element in Alien’s good and bad times suggests his complete fidelity to the film’s disappointingly limited ambitions. And that, in turn, belies conviction and any very satisfying degree of directorial control."
  • Dokumentintekijän 10 käskyä à la Viktor Kossakovsky – 2. Don’t film if you want to say something – just say it or write it. Film only if you want to show something, or you want people to see something. This concerns both the film as a whole and every single shot within the film.

    3. Don’t film, if you already knew your message before filming – just become a teacher. Don’t try to save the world. Don’t try to change the world. Better if your film will change you. Discover both the world and yourself whilst filming.

    4. Don’t film something you just hate. Don’t film something you just love. Film when you aren’t sure if you hate it or love it. Doubts are crucial for making art. Film when you hate and love at the same time.