- How did journalists respond to the critique of Season 5 of ‘The Wire’? » Nieman Journalism Lab – Journalism-lehti on maksullinen, yliopiston kirjasto auttaa
- The essay film – some thoughts of discontent – Kevin B. Lee kertoo ja näyttää, mitä mieltä on essee-elokuvista
- ’The X-Files’ Turns 20: ’Breaking Bad’ Creator On What He Learned From Mulder And Scully – So I went into this meeting very relaxed with Chris Carter, because I was not trying to impress him. I just wanted to shake his hand and say, “Man, what a great show you have.” And he said, “Yeah, well, thanks. Do you have any ideas for it?” And I said, “Well, gosh no. I mean, I just wanted to say hi. But I was in the hotel last night, and I was looking at my shadow cast against the wall, and I was thinking, wouldn’t it be weird if it suddenly started moving independently of me?” And he said, “Yeah, that would be creepy.”
- The Asylum: The Company Behind Sharknado, Snakes on a Train, and (a Movie Kinda Like) Pacific Rim – The Asylum has never once lost money on a film. While Battleship was a $200 million failure for Universal Pictures, The Asylum’s version, American Warships, made a 50 percent profit of $250,000. “We don’t make a film for a dollar more than we know we can sell it for,” says Latt.
- Paul Schrader talks about The Canyons – I told him the essential structure, the Renoir structure of the rotating triangles—you take two triangles, connect them at one point, and let them turn. So you have the triangle of Christian, Tara, and Ryan, and then you have the triangle of Christian, Cynthia, and Ryan. That puts Christian at the center of the two triangles, and whenever the points of the triangles meet, you’ve got interesting scenes. Bret worked very quickly. Probably no more than a month.
- An Analysis of the Character Animation in Disney’s Tangled – Tietokoneanimaation ja perinteisen Disney-tyylin yhteensovittaminen
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 11.07.2013 – 12.07.2013
- Palava nuoruus – Kalle Kinnusen juttu Oliver Assayasista Suomen Kuvalehdessä – taustoja: Elokuvakriitikkona uransa aloittanut Assayas on loistava haastateltava, ja jututettuani häntä ensin Venetsian elokuvajuhlilla maailmanensi-illan yhteydessä pääsin vielä Pariisissa ohjaajan harvinaisen pitkään lehdistötilaisuuteen.
- Computer screens from movies – vrt http://blogit.yle.fi/rele/miksi-elokuvien-tietokoneet-nayttavat-niin-pohkoilta
- The Eddie Murphy Rule : Planet Money – Olennaisia kysymyksiä: miten hyvin Vaihtokaupat-leffan faktat pitävät paikkansa?
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 9.07.2013 – 10.07.2013
- Film set signs specialize in misdirection (LA Times) – The original production title for the 2009 movie "Star Trek" was "Corporate Headquarters," said location scout Kathy McCurdy, who also worked on the 2007 film "Transformers." When fans blew the film's alias, "Star Trek" became known as "Walter Lace," the name of McCurdy's late grandfather.
- Hayao Miyazakin Kaze Tachinu -leffan teaser –
- Studio Ghibli Documentary Film to Open This Fall –
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 7.07.2013 – 9.07.2013
- Matt Damon (Esquire) – ei lainkaan hullumpi julkkisjuttu
- A Film4 Digital Masterclass – A Field In England – monikanavajulkaisun ekstrat on sitten lätkäisty suoraan veppiin
- On ’The Searchers,’ Fact vs Fiction –
Elokuvalla on kaksi elämää, osa 2
Jatkona eiliselle toimii mainiosti sitaatti tuoreesta haastattelusta, jossa ohjaaja kertoo, miksi A Field in England -elokuva on samaan aikaan teattereissa, ilmaisella tv-kanavalla ja nettivuokraamossa:
If you think about what was the alternative, what would’ve happened, this would’ve been like a five-screen release. Some people went who lived near those cinemas. Then it comes out on video and dvd and no-one knows what it is, and it slowly creeps into the culture, maybe, if it’s lucky and it’s good enough, people will start talking about it, but it won’t really have any impact on culture until it’s on tv and it’s watched by more than 200 000 people. So I think that this is the best outlet for this film at this point.