- NC-17 Queen Gina Gershon on Killer Joe and the Lengths She’ll Go to Make You Forget About Showgirls – When I mention that her IMDb bio describes her as “one of the leading icons of American camp,” she says, “That’s nice. I’ll take it.”
- Ask MeFi: US readers: Is there a good film about your city or state? –
- Channel 4 has commissioned a second series of Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror – ensimmäinenkin kausi katsomatta, mutta In Brooker We Trust etc.
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 10.07.2012 – 13.07.2012
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 10.07.2012
- Dredd-traileri – Niinko poikien kanssa aikanaan puhuttiin (http://secondact.fi/jakso/judge-dredd-usa-1995/), Dredd-leffassa ehkä olennaisinta olisi saada kiinni sarjiksen satiirista. Tämän trailerin perusteella… oi voi
- Side Letters, One Of Hollywood’s Brilliant New Money Machines –
- Kenneth Lonergan on "You Can Count on Me" –
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 1.07.2012 – 9.07.2012
- Michel Gondry: The We and the I (trailer) –
- On library music – Library music (sometimes referred to as “production music” or “stock music”) generally refers to music that has been composed and recorded for commercial purposes and which is licensed not through the composer but the library for which it has been recorded. This means it is much easier and cheaper to use in a movie or TV show than a hit song, which requires copyright clearance from the songwriter and record label, and, in some cases, separate clearances depending on the countries in which the work will be screened. Library music cuts out the middleman, but it also means that most of it can be licensed to any number of projects, so occasionally while scanning through the Killer Tracks archives I’d get this uncanny “Where have I heard that before?” twinge, until I realized it was from, say, a local furniture commercial, or maybe the corporate-diversity video my colleagues and I sat through last week.
- DNA-Welhon kaapeli-tv-asiakkaat: Nelonen Kino näkyy heinäkuun ilmaiseksi – jos siis on kaapelikortti
Kesäkuun miniarviot
SCANNERS (CA’81): The 1st half functions better than Videodrome’s worst bits, but there’s too much narrative & sfx fat esp. later on.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 2, 2012
MADAGASCAR 3 (US’12): Starts out with ’90s dance music and referencing The Matrix, evolves to Katy Perry and Dumbo–ie. it does get better.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 19, 2012
BARBARA (DE’12): Controlled and subtle: acting, camera moves, period/design. Loved the wind. Almost could feel the chill in my bones.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 20, 2012
ON THE ROAD (various’12): Gorgeous as it may appear, 2.5 hours might be too much eye candy. Hedlund has charm, which suprised me after Tron.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 20, 2012
ROCK OF AGES (US’12): A film that dreams of daring to aspire to submediocrity. Giamatti somehow–magically–manages to make his part work.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 20, 2012
ABRAHAM LINCOLN VAMPIRE HUNTER (US’12): Worst-looking DCP ever? Smudgy, no detail, oversharpened, no contrast. Did something go wrong?
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 21, 2012
ICE AGE 4 (US’12): Too many characters, some nice 3D and Scrat still the best bit in the soup–the most animate-y.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 25, 2012
Someone should write a short essay about the tension between Scrat and the rest of the Ice Age films.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 25, 2012
Can relying on CGI in animation result in un-animated characters? @mikkokp @Ollifi
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 25, 2012
What I mean is: looks like it’s harder to mogrify a 3D model than a drawing done by hand -> losing many trad. animation tropes?
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 25, 2012
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (US’12): Peter Par-kour goes skating to the music of Coldplay. Very origin story-ish, Garfield all aw shucks.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 27, 2012
JA SAAPUU OIKEA YÖ (FI’12): Ainekset puolituntiseen kasassa. Luottaa fiilikseen hahmojen kustannuksella. Kuva tosi platku, ei yhtään mustaa.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 27, 2012
KILLER JOE (US’12): Such a lean mean pulp machine. Wonderful casting and direction. Alas, portrayal of sexualized violence bothered me.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 27, 2012
Re: Killer Joe-drawling McConaughey made my pants go all wet.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 27, 2012
Re: Killer Joe-KFC fellatio reminded me of Dragon Tattoo’s rape. Uncomfortable in the same way, maybe?
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) June 27, 2012
Luku: 85