- The significance of plot without conflict – For countless centuries, Chinese and Japanese writers have used a plot structure that does not have conflict “built in”, so to speak. Rather, it relies on exposition and contrast to generate interest. This structure is known as kishōtenketsu
- TV Tropes bows to Google’s ad servers, deletes discussions of sexual assault – Today when you access any of these pages, you’re informed, “We do not want a page on this topic. It does not meet our content policy.”…This problem wasn’t a new one; in January, the Rape Trope index was locked due to Google threatening to block the site’s ad revenue for explicit content. This led to complaints about vanishing hentai tropes, with some users commenting that “creepy content and creepy examples” needed to go, and others questioning whether “creepy content” applied to rape tropes. At that point a user-led effort was made to rename all of the Rape Tropes so that they sounded less rapey (seriously), which rapidly turned into an admin mandate to go through all the renamed tropes and excise all creepiness.
- The Alan Partridge movie is to be released in August 2013 –
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 26.06.2012
- Doug Richardson on owning your work, even when it sucks – Note: Money Train is not a bad movie. It has its fans and for that I’m appreciative. It continues to play on cable and I gladly cash the residual checks I receive every quarter. My reaction to the film then and now is purely visceral. I could best describe it as watching my lobotomized child stumbling around a house which I designed, but never furnished——only to witness it continually bruise itself as it bumped into tables and tripped over every exposed electrical cord.
- How to get under Aaron Sorkin’s skin (and also, how to high-five properly) – SORKIN: There should be a show about the Internet. REPORTER: There should be a show about Gawker. SORKIN: (Pausing, while appearing to conceive the perfect murder.) Really?
- TV’s Best Talker: Aaron Sorkin on The Newsroom, Sorkinism, and Sounding Smart –
3D on kalliimpi kotikatsomossakin
Tintin seikkailut oli vauhdikas elokuva, jonka haluan katsoa kotonakin. Siispä suuntaan Amazoniin, josta blu-ray lähetetään Suomen suuntaan kymmenellä punnalla.
Mutta hetkinen, elokuvateatterissahan raina näytettiin kolmiulotteisena. Minulla ei vielä ole laitteita, joilla leffan voisi katsoa stereona, mutta kenties joskus tulevaisuudessa hankin sellaiset. Ehkä voisin sittenkin siis ostaa Tintin 3d-version – hintaeron täytyy olla mitätön.
Mitä hittoa? Hinta on melkein kaksinkertaistunut, vaikka bittien polttaminen blu-ray-aihiolle maksaa ihan saman verran, oli kuva sitten litteä kuin lahna tai syvä kuin Mariaanien hauta. Teatterissa lisähinta voidaan sentään juuri ja juuri perustella ylimääräisten kustannusten kattamisella (projektori ja rillien vuokra), mutta himassa ne on pulitettu jo kuluttajan kukkarosta.
Kusetuksen haju pistää nenään kuin Uimaharjun sellutehdas 1980-luvulla.
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 25.06.2012 – 26.06.2012
- Sorkinisms – A Supercut (YT) –
- ’Mad Men’ creator Matthew Weiner discusses Season 5 – Los Angeles Times – The AMC drama's creator discusses his show's fifth season — Don Draper's marriage, Pete Campbell's business acumen and stunning character developments.
- Jack Kirby’s 2001 A Space Odyssey – First Issue – w h o a
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 24.06.2012
- Dolby’ Atmos Debuts in Pixar’s Brave – The technology, Atmos, improves upon the previous channel-based format by adding ceiling speakers; by enabling sound designers to pull single audio elements from the soundtrack and assign them to individual speakers; and by adding proprietary software that algorithmically adjusts the mix to theater size, configuration, and sound format.
- The Classic TV History Blog –
- Pauline and Me: Farewell, My Lovely (Andrew Sarris) – Jean-Luc Godard once noted that he and his colleagues on Cahiers du Cinema had missed the boat on Max Ophuls and John Ford. I would add Frank Borzage to that list. I happened to miss the boat the first time around on Billy Wilder, Sergio Leone and Debra Winger. We all change as we get older, and our perceptions of films change with us-all of us, that is, except Pauline. Her first impressions are engraved in stone forever and ever, because that is all movies deserve.