- Valkoisen peuran paluu – Filmielokuvan digitointi (TM 4/2016) –
- Close encounters: the return of The X-Files (Sight & Sound) – "I was fortunate enough to host a panel featuring Duchovny and Anderson at New York City’s Paley Center for Media in 2013: one of the funniest moments came when I tried unsuccessfully to explain a season nine story-point about magnetite, the metal that effectively destroys the alien colonisers. “Are you serious?” Anderson asked before breaking into hysterics. “What the fuck is magnetite?” she shouted, to the audible delight of the gathered Philes."
- Ted talk: State of the Netflix union discussion with chief content officer Ted Sarandos –
Tammikuiset Twitter-tiivistelmät elokuvista
HATEFUL 8 (US'15): Moment to moment enjoyable, as always. Also best Hollywood snow since who know when.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 4, 2016
ANNA MULLE LOVEE (FI'16): Tarinan palaset ovat koossa, mutta ohjaus-näytteleminen-leikkaus ei saa puhallettua niihin tulta.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 7, 2016
SAUL FIA (HU'15): Most effective when the focus is least deep.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 12, 2016
STEVE JOBS (US'15): Starts off with a bang, then settles down into an enjoyable stage play.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 14, 2016
JÄTTILÄINEN (FI'15): Volanen on hiton hyvä. Tosipohjaisuus toimii. Erinomaista tv-draamaa, leffana hyvä.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 14, 2016
SPOTLIGHT (US'15): Lessee: shoe-leather reporting and newsroom macho bullshit glorified and romanticized.
Yeah, I lapped it up.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 14, 2016
THE REVENANT (US'15): Chivo shoots incredible wide-angle portraits. The movie isn't as insufferable as Birdman.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 21, 2016
CAROL (US'15): A movie so finely crafted, it kept slipping from my hands.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 21, 2016
SPANDEX SAPIENS: Parhaat hetket ovat todella hyviä, kokonaisuutena ok. #docpoint2016
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 29, 2016
RETURN OF THE ATOM (FI'15): At its most interesting when the focus isn't on people, ie. time-lapses, airplanes, Pan Sonic. #docpoint2016
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 30, 2016
Yhteensä 10 elokuvaa.
Tule keskustelemaan elokuvista Slackiin
Jos haluaisit jutella elokuvista, mutta Facebookissa on liian vähän väkeä ja Twitterissä turhan lyhyet merkkirajat, olet tervetullut Elokuva-Slackiin.
Slack on keskustelufoorumi, joka muistuttaa irciä ja toimii selaimessa, tietokoneohjelmana sekä älypuhelimessa. Muuta siitä ei oikeastaan tarvitse tietää ja aina voi kysyä lisää.
Käyttäjätunnuksen saa, kun vain syöttää sähköpostiosoitteensa tähän lomakkeeseen.
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 16.01.2016 – 21.01.2016
- All 201 X-Files Episodes Ranked by Keith Uhlich – Keith is crazy. And great. And crazy.
- Elokuva pecha kuchana, erityisesti satunnaisesti luotuna sellaisena – There are nearly infinite possibilities of how algorithmic videos like these might create new deformations that could help teach us something new about the original film, or constitute a compelling videographic object on its own merits.
- Mitä elokuvan lopputeksteissä mainitut ihmiset tekevät? (€) – HS-Teeman juttu listaa Napapiirin sankarit 2:n tekijät
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 8.01.2016 – 10.01.2016
- Browse Netflix by genre/director/keyword-hybrid –
- Browse Netflix by genre –
- My Accidental Career as a Russian Screenwriter – So I worked up the nerve to show the ‘‘Rushkin’’ script around. The reaction of the first executive who read it was something out of ‘‘Barton Fink’’ and roughly what I expected: ‘‘When you’re ready to make some real money,’’ he said, ‘‘bring me something about a cop or doctor.’’
- The Women of Hollywood Speak Out – In both 2013 and 2014, women were only 1.9 percent of the directors for the 100 top-grossing films. Excluding their art-house divisions, the six major studios released only three movies last year with a female director. It’s hard to believe the number could drop to zero, but the statistics suggest female directors are slipping backward. Prof. Martha Lauzen of San Diego State University reports that in 2014, 95 percent of cinematographers, 89 percent of screenwriters, 82 percent of editors, 81 percent of executive producers and 77 percent of producers were men