- Cannes 2012 kilpasarja – ilmoitus vedettiin pois webistä, mutta liian myöhään
- Aaron Sorkin’s ’The Newsroom’: The Ten Most Sorkin Things In The Trailer –
- The Newsroom -traileri (YT) – Aaron Sorkin palaa töllöhommiin
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 1.04.2012 – 2.04.2012
- Peter Dinklage Was Smart to Say No – NYTimes.com – missäs GoT on Suomessa menossa? Juttu spoilaa ekan kauden lopusta jotain
- So You Think You Can’t Do That on Television? – I don't know / Water
- Jesus Henry Christ – Trailer – q u i r k y !
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 28.03.2012 – 1.04.2012
- We Have A Pope – Trailer – Nanni Moretti
- Womb – Trailer –
- Then all of a sudden, America forgot how to make action movies –
- Film Studies in Motion – A Web Series in 7 Episodes – "Film Studies in Motion", a Web Series created by Kevin B. Lee and Volker Pantenburg, will present weekly selections of analytical video essays on the web in preparation for their presentation "Whatever happened to Bildungsauftrag? – Teaching cinema on TV and the Web".
- The Original Frenemies – an oral history of Siskel and Ebert – Gene and Roger were on a flight one time, and Gene handed a piece of paper to a flight attendant and said, “Please give this note to Roger.” The note read, “Mr. Ebert, would you like to see the cockpit?” Gene had signed it, “The Captain.” Roger was quite pleased that the captain would invite him—and not Gene—to tour the cockpit. He walked up to the cockpit door and started knocking on it. All of a sudden, another flight attendant grabbed him and scolded, “You can’t go in there! Nobody goes in the cockpit!” She had to escort him back to his seat. Gene was rolling up and down the aisle with laughter. (NS)
Maaliskuun pika-arviot
MUN MOT MUN (SV’05): Runge isn’t interesting b/c he deals with depressing themes but because of his deft touch.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 5, 2012
JOHN CARTER (US’12): Nice CG, shame about the story.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 5, 2012
CONTRABAND (US’12): Ribisi’s the world’s least convincing criminal, but Wahlberg as a badass? That I buy. Solid if unremarkable genre piece.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 7, 2012
VARES: UHKAPELIMERKKI (FI’12) Yes, I got paid.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 12, 2012
Arvio: Dome.fi
OM JAG VÄNDER MIG OM (SV’03): Made a smaller impact the 2nd time around; been watching Runge’s films in reverse chronological order
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 12, 2012
TAISTELU NÄSILINNASTA 1918 (FI’12) Lovely score by Yari, irritating handheld cinematography. Personal stories lost in a sea of gray coats.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 15, 2012
HUNGER GAMES (US’12)Dystopian Imperial America does Running Man. Mostly enjoyable, handheld CU action scenes unintelligible as usual.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 22, 2012
PIRATES! (UK’12) is full of prime Aardman gags. It looks breathtaking, maybe even too much so, as it loses some of the handmade charm.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 23, 2012
Arvio: Dome.fi
MIRROR MIRROR (US’12): Light on character & story, heavy on tone (par for Tarsem), but also light on style (outlier for Tarsem).
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 26, 2012
TITANIC 3D (US’97/’12) Know what? It actually ain’t a bad movie. To my surprise the 1st half works better than the sinking.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 30, 2012
JANE EYRE (UK’11): Wasikowska is incredible, costume drama restraints fit her well. Nicely gothic.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) March 31, 2012
Luku: 37
Arvostelu: Titaanien raivo lässähtää nopeasti
Ison budjetin elokuvien jatko-osien laki sanoo, että kakkososat voivat olla parempia kuin ykkösosat. Miksikö? Koska ensimmäisessä elokuvassa luultavasti hassattiin aikaa kaikenlaisiin itsestäänselvyyksiin (hei, tiesittekö että Hämähäkkimies-elokuvan pääosassa on tyyppi, jolla on hämähäkin supervoimat?), kun taas kakkosessa päästään heti vauhtiin. Niin on myös Titaanien raivon laita.