- Casino Royale: discovering the lost script – In response to the growing popularity of Bond, Feldman turned to Ben Hecht to write a script for Casino Royale. Known as "the Shakespeare of Hollywood", Hecht was a novelist, poet and playwright who had written or co-written several classic scripts, including The Front Page, based on a play he had co-written; Underworld, for which he won the first best screenplay Oscar in 1927; the original Scarface; and Hitchcock’s Spellbound and Notorious. Hecht also worked uncredited on dozens of other screenplays, including Gone With The Wind, Foreign Correspondent and a few other Hitchcock films.
- Red Dawn remake replaces China with North Korea – The filmmakers now are digitally erasing Chinese flags and military symbols from "Red Dawn," substituting dialogue and altering the film to depict much of the invading force as being from North Korea
- Nile Rodgers "Terminator" Unfinished Demo 1985 – "He'll be back /
He'll be back Jack"
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 12.03.2011 – 14.03.2011
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 9.03.2011 – 11.03.2011
- Superjail! : Season Two Behind the Scenes – Y E S P L E A S E
- La Bocan jne. leffajulisteita (Creative Review) – This feature is open to subscribers for a limited time only, thanks mainly to actor and Twitter darling Charlie Sheen, who, as evidenced in the Metro newspaper, has two of La Boca's posters on the wall of his LA pad.
- The Rolling Stone Interview: Stanley Kubrick in 1987 –
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 6.03.2011 – 8.03.2011
- Guillermo del Toro won't be making At the Mountains of Madness – On Monday, del Toro withdrew from the negotiations, and that night at ten-thirty he sent me a short, mournful e-mail: Madness has gone dark. The ‘R’ did us in.
- For Trey Parker and Matt Stone, a Broadway musical about Mormons may just be their highest artistic achievement yet –
- Project London – Project London is an independent, no-budget, feature-length, live action movie with vivid, intense, and marrow-vibrating visual effects and animations created with the open source software Blender (and other traditional software) and 250 (or so) worldwide volunteers.
Sunnuntai ja supertrailerit
Legend of the Fist: kiinalainen superninja vetää ihan kaikkia karatella otsaan 1900-luvun alkupuolella.
Supersankarihassuttelua à la Super:
Quirky indie comedy! Peep World
Amerikan kriitikot ovat kovasti intoilleet Meek’s Cutoff -rainasta, joka näyttäisi edustavan ”kynnenaluset paskaisina” -länkkärin genreä
Catherine Deneuve on 1970-luvulla elävä kotivaimo, josta tulee yht’äkkiä perheen pää: Potiche
Olenkin aina halunnut nähdä oikeussalidraaman Lincolnin salamurhasta: The Conspirator
Dylan Dog: Dead of Night kertoo siitä kaikille tutusta tilanteesta, kun ainoa kelpo sovittelija epäkuolleiden riitoihin on ex-Teräsmies
Ray Kurzweil suhaa kohti transhumanismia dokkarissa Transcendent Man