Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 23.02.2014 – 24.02.2014

  • Emily Nussbaum: The Shallowness of “True Detective” – Don’t get me wrong: I love a nice bouncy rack. And if a show has something smart to say about sex, bring it on. But, after years of watching “Boardwalk Empire,” “Ray Donovan,” “House of Lies,” and so on, I’ve turned prickly, and tired of trying to be, in the novelist Gillian Flynn’s useful phrase, the Cool Girl: a good sport when something smells like macho nonsense. And, frankly, “True Detective” reeks of the stuff. The series, for all its good looks and its movie-star charisma, isn’t just using dorm-room deep talk as a come-on: it has fallen for its own sales pitch.
  • Antti Lindqvist – Enter The Gonzo Dragon – Tämänkertainen merkintä on tosipohjainen kasaritoimintaeepos. Keskiöön nostetaan toimittajan veijarihuumori ja muuan unohdettu kung fu -seikkailu.

    Miljöö on vuoden 1982 Cannesin elokuvafestivaali, jossa Lindqvist edusti Katso-lehteä. Matkalla syntyi myös gonzoreportaasi Suomen elokuvakerhojen liiton Projektio-lehteen (3/1982).

  • Julia Louis-Dreyfus in the Present Tense – So how about this? If comedy (as opposed to drama) is consumed more like popular music—as a series of moments, often enjoyed with friends, remembered fondly in a greatest-hits kind of way—then Julia Louis-Dreyfus is not the Billy Joel of television comedy, but the Elton John: a national treasure, still trying to surprise us.

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 21.02.2014 – 23.02.2014

  • Behind the Scenes of Star Wars: Episode III––Revenge of the Sith (Vanity Fair, 2005) – “I’m not a great writer,” says Lucas, whose strength lies in concocting huge scenarios, not in coming up with snappy dialogue or in constructing small domestic scenes.
  • Richard Linklater Discusses His 12-Year Project ’Boyhood’ – But I guess I was allergic to things I have seen depicted in fiction enough times that I don’t know if there’s anything fresh to do there.
  • Tuomas Nevanlinna: Mahdoton kritiikki – Päiväkohtaista kritiikkijournalismia on työlästä muotoilla uudelleen romanttisen metakritiikin suuntaviivojen mukaiseksi.

    Lyhyesti, romanttinen ohjelma on vaikeasti yhdistettävissä kapitalistisen median toimintaehtoihin: passiivinen, reagoiva, signaalien antajaksi typistetty yleisö; myyvyyden perusteella jyvitetty palstatila; falskin iskevyyden ja pienimmän yhteisen nimittäjän mukaisesti muokatut sisällöt.

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 15.02.2014

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 14.02.2014

  • The Making of “Network” and the Fateful Vision of the Angriest Man in Movies – If you’ve ever wondered if everyone can equally recognize greatness, Itzkoff quotes Chayefsky’s May 21, 1975, letter to Paul Newman offering him “any part in this picture you want.” Newman turned him down.
  • RoboCop: The Oral History – PV: One extremely satisfactory scene is the one where RoboCop essentially walks over water at the steel mill. A day before filming, we saw that there were these big walls. And I came to think of them as the walls of Jerusalem. That wasn't in the script, but at that moment, we decided to write about him walking on water into the scene. We also invented the part where Clarence drops the steel bars on RoboCop's head at that moment. Those steel bars were just there, and hadn't been used for years. But seeing that scene come together — that was a beautiful moment.
  • In Memoriam: Shirley Temple, 1928-2014