ANNA KARENINA (UK’12): A story of what’s proper and what’s Wright. If more is more, is more surface more superficial? Excess of sighs.
Knightley might be Wright’s Muse, but I’m afraid her over-eager protruding chin style does nothing for me.
KNUCKLEBONEHEAD (FI’13) Rock’n’roll and family don’t mix or something. Strangely inert 80 minute wideangle trip. #docpoint
LAULU KOTI-IKÄVÄSTÄ (FI’13): Touching, funny, understated, elegant musical road movie about tracing one’s roots. Must see. #docpoint
QUEEN OF VERSAILLES (US’12): Were it a fictional film, I would call it preposterous. Luckily it isn’t. #docpoint
DJANGO UNCHAINED (US’12): Tarantino still manages to pull off suspense through dialogue like few others working nowadays.
FRANKENWEENIE (US’12): Looks like @johnaugust reanimated Burton’s short film rather successfully. The new bits fit right in.
Frankenweenien arvio Dome.fissä.
Arvostelu: Kierrätetyistä paloista koottu Frankenweenie onnistuu ilahduttamaan
Arvostelu: Kierrätetyistä paloista koottu Frankenweenie onnistuu ilahduttamaan Alkuperäisnimi: Frankenweenie Ensi-ilta: 11.1.2013 Ohjaaja… -
SOMETHING FROM NOTHING: THE ART OF RAP (US’12): Sure it’s just talking heads, but the talk is pretty good-as is the music. #docpoint
KAIKKI RAKKAUDESTA (FI’13): Parempi kuin (hirveä) Enon opetukset, mutta mutta. Björkman erinomainen, Sarkola ei paljon jälkiä jätä.
(Joo, Twitter-viestissä leffan nimi on väärin.)
Sävy on kirjallinen muutenkin kuin reploissa – hahmoina mm. Ansa ja Toivo. Lappi näyttää sopivan laajalta.
Pari nolostuttavaa kuvaa: pistooli putoaa Raamatun viereen; Toivo kantaa penkkiä selässään kuin Jeesus ristiä.
ANTON CORBIJN INSIDE OUT (NL’12): For fans mostly. #docpoint
HITCHCOCK (US’12): Ignore the poppycock plot and psychology, enjoy the mannerisms. Gets sillier as it goes on.
Hitchcockin arvio Dome.fissä.
Arvostelu: Hitchcock kertoo harmittomia höpöjuttuja ohjaajalegendasta
Arvostelu: Hitchcock kertoo harmittomia höpöjuttuja ohjaajalegendasta Alkuperäisnimi: Hitchcock Ensi-ilta: 1.2.2013 Ohjaaja: Sacha Gervas… -
HÄÄTANSSI/DANCE OF OUTLAWS (FI/NO’12): Has anything good come out of the concept of ’defending one’s honour’? Some idling, mostly worthwhile
VUONNA 85 (FI’13): Ei yllätyksiä – musiikki kuulostaa samalta kuin ennenkin ja Koivusalo ohjaa kuten ennenkin. Suosittelen välttämään.
@kallekinnunen @kimitodiskotek @katrikangas Olen nähnyt samoja näyttelijöitä hyvissäkin proggiksissa, joten epäonnistuminen = ohjaajalle
CLOUD ATLAS (DE’12): Excessive, opulent, ridiculous, overflowingly cross-cut genre fantasia mishmash with a heart of gold. Fuck the haters.
.@kallekinnunen Boring? Maybe monotonous would be more fitting–all rising action with the same frenetic pace (Ilja pointed this out to me).
LINCOLN (US’12): I do believe this is the first time the act of reading out loud of an Amendment to the US constitution has made me cry.
8-PALLO (2013) on paras Aku Louhimiehen ohjaama elokuva. Trooppivaroitus: kohtaus, jossa puolustuskyvytön nainen raiskataan.
IDI I SMOTRI (SU’85): Steadicam by Kubrick, directing by Turkka, method madness by Herzog?
VODKA FACTORY (SE’10): A woman, her child, mother and co-workers. 1000 km from Moscow. Life has little to offer, unlike this film. #docpoint
KAAPPARI (2013): Mäkelä petraa. Suht hallittu tyyli, joskin komedia toimii omillaan, jännitys ei ihan ja niiden yhteispeli falskaa.
Kaapparin arvio Dome.fissä.
Arvostelu: Kaappari nousee ilmaan, lentää yskien ja laskeutuu vaappuen
Arvostelu: Kaappari nousee ilmaan, lentää yskien ja laskeutuu vaappuen Ensi-ilta: 18.1.2013 Ohjaaja: Aleksi Mäkelä Käsikirjoittajat: Mika… -
SUKUPOLVI (2011): Olen syntynyt 1979. Sukupolvi seuraa 1978-jengin elämää 20 vuotta. En voi suhtautua asiaan objektiivisesti. #docpoint
Sukupolvi on muuten vuodelta 2008.
Eli aivan järkyttävän koukuttava dokkari, vaikka henkilöistä on hankala saada kiinni, vuosien vaihtumista ei mainita ja muutenkin hajanaista
ZERO DARK THIRTY (US’12): Cannot fit thoughts in a tweet without digesting them for a bit.
Zero Dark Thirtyn arvio Dome.fissä.
Arvostelu: Zero Dark Thirty jahtaa Osama bin Ladenia kunnianhimoisesti
Arvostelu: Zero Dark Thirty jahtaa Osama bin Ladenia kunnianhimoisesti Alkuperäisnimi: Zero Dark Thirty Ensi-ilta: 25.1.2013 Ohjaaja: Kat… -
FLIGHT (US’12): So the description ”A 2-hour AA drama with a spectacular 20-min intro” wasn’t snark.
HILTON! (2013): Itä-Helsinki on dokumentissa vaikuttavampi kuin fiktiossa, koska dramatisointia on vähemmän #docpoint
”Mun mielestä on kauheeta ajatella, että mäkin olisin jollain tavalla syrjäytynyt, mutta se varmaan pitää paikkansa, kun mä en tee mitään.”
VENDETTA (SE’96) #docpoint
AMELIE (FR’01) Tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic start caring about her now-not bloody likely. Kassowitz > Tautou
po. Kassovitz
BORN AMERICAN (FI/US’86): Well, it’s not very good, but at least it’s earnest enough to provide some turkey value.
PERVERT’S GUIDE TO IDEOLOGY (UK’12): It’s probably fitting that Žižek’s utterances start to feel like déjà vu (entendu). #DocPoint
Meaning that you know what you’re going to get but it’s still kinda fun.
CAPTAIN AND HIS PIRATE (BE/DE’12): An intriguing bifurcated look at the psychology of a 4-month pirate attack. #docpoint
21 TAPAA PILATA AVIOLIITTO (2013): Romanttinen draamakomedia on kaavamaisuuden takia vaikea laji. Hahmot kovin karrikoituja. Nieminen mainio
MEN AT LUNCH (IE’12): Too much padding (most things are said twice are said twice), too much mucking about the photo w/vfx. #docpoint
THE GATEKEEPERS (IL&c’12): Such a clear, depressing, moving depiction of Israel’s situation. Highly recommended. #DocPoint
LEVIATHAN (US’12): A hypnotizing/boring (long takes, ECUs, abstract blots of color in the dark) film w/remarkable sound design #docpoint
It certainly is no Sweetgrass re: visual aesthetics, but the same spirit of documenting work and routine is there. I guess. #DocPoint
RÖLLI JA KULTAINEN AVAIN (2013): Komeat fyysiset lavasteet, cgi-jatkeet ok, cgi-hahmot ei ihan. Käsiksen rakenne perin outo.
Tarina on lähes pelkkää takaumaa. Tuppuraisen Rölliin ja Juurakko-tyttöön leikataan välillä parin replan ajaksi. Muut naamat pelissä muuten.
HANSEL & GRETEL WITCH HUNTERS (US’13): Such a delightfully, utterly silly movie. Had a whale of a time.
The First Law of 3D Movies featuring Bows: An arrow shall be shot at the audience.
My fave bonkers details: Stormare’s nose patch. The dual crossbow. The insulin injections. The 19th C taser. The swearing.
The design is all over place. It’s Dark Ages meets pre-Industrial Age meets steampunk.
Of interest to Finns might be Ms Viitala, who is delightfully game.
(It looks like I might have to migrate to the great state of Utah, for I need to marry Misses Janssen, Arterton, and Viitala.)
The film has more splatter than I anticipated, including some misjudged bits (the boy shooting his mother).
One more thing about Hansel & Gretel – there’s a scene where a mob is discussing what they should do to a witch. I giggled, cos you know why
HGWG: I wouldn’t have minded action scenes shot with shorter lenses, wider shots and fewer cuts, but that’s them breaks.
THE MASTER (US’12): Yeah, it’s pretty damn good, though the sensory practice sequence still feels wrong. 2nd viewing, 70 mm.
Arvostelu: Hitchcock kertoo harmittomia höpöjuttuja ohjaajalegendasta
Ohjaaja Steven Soderbergh sanoi äskettäin haastattelussa, että hänestä on kiinnostavaa tietää, miten jokin taideteos on tehty. Sen sijaan hänestä on äärimmäisen tylsää kuulla, miksi se on tehty. Hitchcock-elokuva humpsahtaa tukevasti jälkimmäiseen koriin.
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 30.01.2013
- Werner Herzog: ”Trust in my wild fantasies” – Mr. Herzog, do you think someone would ever be crazy enough to hire you to direct an epic blockbuster? It wouldn’t be crazy at all, because I am capable of producing huge films for a fraction of the money that Hollywood would spend. A big epic film like Aguirre, the Wrath of God, if Hollywood started to contemplate this film, they wouldn’t think under 50 million dollars. That is the scope, no one would dare to touch it. However, the grand total budget of the film was 360,000 dollars, at the time in 1970. Let’s just say that today it would be twice as much, let’s say 700 or 800 thousand dollars.
- Pixar Technical Memos – HUBBA HUBBA mä näistä mitään tajua
- Don Simpson’s and Jerry Bruckheimer’s Blue Period : They Were the Ultimate Hollywood Success Story. But in Tinseltown, Their Failure Was an Even Better Yarn (LA Times, 1993) –
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 29.01.2013 – 30.01.2013
- What do people in the intelligence community think of Homeland? – Quora –
- House of Cards star Kevin Spacey on his return to television (sort of) – But really it’s “Wiseguy” that kind of got me film, because Bryan Singer and Chris McQuarrie wrote “Usual Suspects” for me because they had fallen in love with the character on “Wiseguy.” In a weird way that show had similar aspects to this one in that because they were doing story arcs, it was like doing a mini-series within a maxi-series. So it sort of fits in to this particular wheelhouse because there is an arc going that me and David know where it’s going for 26 (episodes). We could get a third season, but we don’t know yet. But it doesn’t feel episodic in that for me it feels like I’m doing a really long movie. And that first experience of doing “Wiseguy” felt that way as well.
- A few Harrison Ford annotated ”Raiders” script pages – omg
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 28.01.2013
- Hollywood gets science wrong — and that’s okay – Entertainment starts with an assumption that a lot of scientists don’t start with: The story and the science have to somehow blend. You can’t just insist the science be 100% accurate. It’s better to have some science in there that’s more or less accurate, than to have it badly done or not there at all. So [as advisors] we’ll bend some in return for having some input.
- In Conversation: Steven Soderbergh — Vulture – What do you think people mean when they call a film Soderberghian?
I have no idea. But never use that word to describe your movie in a pitch meeting because it won’t get made.Really? You just made a $7 million film about strippers—Magic Mike—that has earned something like $167 million worldwide.
So pitch the movie as Magic Mike. Otherwise, if you’re using my name, you could mean The Good German. - Raiders of the Lost R2 – Excavating a galaxy far, far away – A quarter of a century later, remnants of the set were apparently littered across the valley or buried in the sand. We would be excavating whatever authentic artifacts of that fictitious universe remained.