Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 5.11.2012 – 7.11.2012

  • Michael Haneke: There’s no easy way to say this… (The Observer) – Given notice that this was to be an inquisition not a conversation, I rephrased my compliments and asked him a question about the startling climax of Amour. On principle he refused to answer. "Ah," he said, smirking as I tumbled into the trap, "you are asking me to interpret, and I will not. Every meaning is fine, all interpretations are OK. I do not choose between them, because I dislike explanations. It happened so with Juliette Binoche in Hidden. She asked me if the woman she played was having an affair with her colleague at work. There were two scenes together with this man: I told her to play one as if they were involved, the other as if they were not. I doubt that she found this to be helpful advice.
  • Kuinka tappaa Godard? – elokuvaprofessuurin lasikatto
  • Filmnetin logoja ja tunnareita

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 2.11.2012 – 4.11.2012

  • Atson ajatukset: Netflixin tv-sarjat – Atso kartoitti valikoimaa
  • Rules of the movie publicity game – I lacked the skills and emotional constitution for the job, and this caused me to be fearful and make mistakes. At the same time, I didn’t want to be the kind of loser who quit after a few days, so I chose to be the kind of loser who accepts that every day will be a living hell.
  • 1930s Fashion – vahva elokuvapainotus

Lokakuu, lokakuu… elokuva?

– Looperin pidempi arvio Dome.fissä

Luku: 157

Arvostelu: Looper silmukoi Bruce Willisin ja Joe Gordon-Levittin samaan aikaan

Tulevaisuudessa on luvassa helppo elämä ihmisille, jotka ovat valmiita vaihtokauppaan: tapa avuttomina eteesi toimitetut ventovieraat ja saat viettää läskit 30 vuotta, kunnes tapat itsesi. Tosin kyseessä ei ole itsemurha, vaan sinut potkaistaan ajassa taaksepäin, jossa nuorempi minäsi puristaa liipaisimen pohjaan ja tappaa sinut. Itsesi. 

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 27.10.2012 – 1.11.2012