Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 26.11.2011 – 27.11.2011

This year's new sitcoms offer nothing new (NYTimes) – After an exhaustive study that consisted of watching several new shows and several old ones, I have concluded that all television jokes going back to those first flickering black-and-white images fall into one of five categories Peter Biskind profiles ScarJo in Vanity Fair – French Twist …

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 25.11.2011

Onko näyttelijän taiteella tulevaisuutta? – Tiivistäen, Stanislavski on vuosisadan kuluessa, myös kaupallisen elokuvan (Hollywood on läpikotaisin stanislavskilaista) ja tv:n ansiosta, tullut "toiseksi luonnoksemme". Jos se omaksutaan lähtökohdaksi, näyttävät kaikki siitä poikkeavat valinnat todellakin vain "tyylilajillisilta"– kuten alumni-illan monet puheenvuorot toistivat. Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror tv series (trailer) – The Karate Kid rehersal movie (YT) – …

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 19.11.2011 – 20.11.2011

What's it like to work as a screenwriter on the 4th season of a TV show – There we were, the first week with almost all new humans, kicking about Leverage ideas. Downey and I were originally concerned going into the new year with a mostly new staff. What we hadn't anticipated (but should've) was …

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 19.11.2011

Charles Taylor: The Problem with Film Criticism – Dear Americans, please remake these average UK series – The above examples share one common characteristic – no one cares too much about them. Which is an insensitive way of saying that these shows aren't part of the national consciousness, in the same way as a Life …

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 9.11.2011 – 11.11.2011

Eddie Murphy: The Rolling Stone Interview – It's a glorious thing, hearing Eddie Murphy say "fuck" again. Few people ever said it better – and down here in the basement of the stone-and-marble mansion he built on a Beverly Hills cliff, it's coming from his lips often enough to make Shrek blush. "Come on, motherfucker," …