- Posters depicting movie and tv dance moves –
- Bad Toys II (Vimeo) – via Vuokko the girl genius
- The Showrunner Transcript: The Walking Dead’s Glen Mazzara Opens Up on Darabont’s Departure and Reworking the Series — Vulture – So now here’s a third situation where someone needs help. And do I need to be the hero on this one? What if it doesn’t work? It could be three strikes and out. It could have been a very public failure if it didn’t break my way. And in all three cases, this wasn’t material that I had originated. Part of the reason I came over to the show was that it would be great to just be the number two while I figure out my cop show, my hospital show, my vision. And so now here was the third instance where I was signing on to execute someone else’s vision and what if it didn’t go right? I really felt like it could have killed my career.
Helmikuisia elokuvasuosituksia
Finnkinon valikoimista hyvältä näyttäisivät seuraavat:
- Carnage on aivan hurjan hieno ja hauska
- viimeistään Shamen jälkeen olen Michael Fassbenderin fani ikuisesti ja aina
- erinomainen Säilöttyjä unelmia
Engelissä pyörii parikin pätevää pätkää, nimittäin
- sirpaleinen ja vaikuttava Polisse
- viime vuoden suosikkeihini kuulunut Nader ja Simin: ero
- hullun ihana Iho jossa elän
- sekä kaunis Tree of Life
Orionissa on menossa Malick-retrospektiivi ja ensi maanantaina näytettäisiin Tarkovskin Peili, johon meinaan urheasti suunnata. (Sanotaanko vaikka näin, että minun ja Andrein elokuvien välinen suhde on unen tahrima.)
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 5.02.2012 – 7.02.2012
- In Star Trek: Deep Space 9 no-one uses social media – As I watch everyone interact on the station, the lack of social media sticks out hugely to me simply because it is how so many of us interact with each other now–and especially over long distances. There is no hashtag for DS9 workers to tweet LOLSisko macros or talk to families back home. Everyone uses voice/video communication rather than text despite the security issues this obviously poses (and of course a social network of any kind poses security problems in and of itself, but provides rich narrative opportunities in that arena which I've yet to see explored much) and the fact that we are seeing even now many people shy away even from the telephone when given an alternative. We have the videophones of science fiction past–and no one much cares. We use it sometimes, but it's far more of a pain to make yourself presentable onscreen, get the kids and dogs to leave you alone for long enough to Skype, and carry on an etiquette minefield of a conversation when a quick text or email will do for most business.
- The Faces Of Death Guy Looks Back – In the credits, he was listed as "Alan Black." Schwartz is one of few involved—those among the living—who are willing to embrace the film as part of their oeuvre. His then-boss's son, who collaborated with him, "doesn't want it as part of his legacy," says Schwartz. To this day, he honors the others' wishes that their names not be mentioned in connection with the film that changed his life.
- Behind the scenes with the animated Oscar noms – sivuilta näkee kaksi lyhäriehdokasta
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 1.02.2012 – 4.02.2012
- Free Willy! The History of the Penis in Cinema –
- Sherlock Lives! – Naturally enough, talk about the two filmed versions of Sherlock Holmes dominated the cocktail chatter at January’s meeting of the mysterious Sherlockian literary and dining club, The Baker Street Irregulars.
- The Celebrity Economy — New York Magazine –
Tammikuun pika-arviot
Kokeilen nyt tällaista järjestelyä, jossa kokoan Twitteriin oksentamani 140 merkin ajatuspallerot yhteen paikkaan. Engelskaa ovat juu, mutta that’s how I roll.
RED FOREST HOTEL (FI’11) is an uneven mix of how Sino-Finnish corporate politics and Chinese media control works.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 2, 2012
J. EDGAR (US’11)has enough exposition to fill a 5 hour film. Luckily it runs for only two and a half. Oh, J. was a closeted homosexual.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 3, 2012
THE IDES OF MARCH (US’11) has a medium rare script and a raw Gosling-just how I like ’em. It also has a fondness for CUs, which I do mind
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 4, 2012
I thought the 3d look suited THE LION KING rather well. Terrible translation and the songs-ugh.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 13, 2012
CANNED DREAMS (FI’11) is an exceptional film. Love the way sound design melds w/the music. Symmetrical shots galore. A solemn experience.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 19, 2012
HULLUNA SARAAN (FI’11) is a bilingual romcom with a charming cast, light touch, tick the boxes script and a one thing at a time structure.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 19, 2012
(Sara on tietenkin vuodelta 2012.)
TAISTELU TURUSTA (FI’11): Liikaa puhuvia päitä, liian vähän dramaturgiaa, kronologia on tylsä narratiivi, nuoret hipit on turhia.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 20, 2012
VUOSAARI (FI’12): What do you mean Aku Louhimies has divorced?
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 24, 2012
Sorry for the snark, as there’s more to the film, but I just couldn’t shake the feeling.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 24, 2012
. @MikkoPihkoluoma Though apparently there’s no happy sex in this world. And no way to not need sex desperately, either.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 24, 2012
. @MikkoPihkoluoma Yeah, scribbled down ”directing/actors/casting really good” in my notepad
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 24, 2012
CARNAGE (EU’11): Few cheap shots aside (material girls), it’s perfect. Hard to imagine any theatre version could top this.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 25, 2012
THE DESCENDANTS (US’11) is very well made all around, but I just couldn’t connect. My problem, not the film’s.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 26, 2012
CAVE OF FORGOTTEN DREAMS (’11): In the beginning was the Image, for the Word of Herzog is for once underwhelmed. #docpoint
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) tammikuu 26, 2012
Handheld 3d gives me a headache, however-and also-it’s a 3d must see.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) tammikuu 26, 2012
VIVAN LAS ANTIPODAS (’11) has many striking images, yet this cinema of attractions docu feels too long due to its rhythm #docpoint
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) tammikuu 26, 2012
Lovely visual rhymes, though. The upside down image of Shanghai bikers is sheer magic. #docpoint
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) tammikuu 26, 2012
HELL AND BACK AGAIN (US’11) doesn’t have anything that RESTREPO or ARMADILLO wouldn’t have already done better. #docpoint
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 28, 2012
WAR HORSE (US’11): Would it be banal to say that Spielberg’s strengths and weaknesses stem from the same root? Loved it til the mill bit.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 30, 2012
Is it possible to be both elegant and clumsy at the same time? As in Spielberg gets his point through, but it can feel insufferably naive
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 30, 2012
I’m conflating at least three things: the artist’s method, his sensibility and my reading of the film. Still.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 30, 2012
TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY (’11): Precise. Meticulous. Controlled. Brown. Back of the head. Framed. Hook, line and sinker.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 31, 2012
LE SILENCE DE LA MER (FR’49): Please help me understand this film.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 31, 2012
@villetikkanen The structure, the voice-over, the visuals, the acting, the monologues… it’s bizarre, bizarre, bizarre.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) January 31, 2012
16 filmiä yhteensä.