- Vince Vaughn Appears On 'Tonight Show' To Deceive Country About Latest Film (The Onion) –
- For Akiva Goldsman, a beautiful turnaround (LA Times) – Goldsman ohjaa esikoisleffan, joka toivottavasti on parempi kuin useimmat sen kirjoittamat rainat
- Man of Extremes – the return of James Cameron (New Yorker) – piiiiiiiitkä juttu Cameronista ja Avatarista
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 18.10.2009
- Bill Moyersin David SImon -haastattelu tekstinä –
- Bill Moyers haastattelee David Simonia tunnin verran (video) – via viilee
- Seesamtien tekeminen on hitusen hankalaa Palestiinassa (NYT Mag) – Awadallah had been working on revising his Gaza segments. The new script began with Saleem, the handyman character on the show, watching the Gaza coverage on TV. “Saleem is sad and worried, so he calls his sister in Gaza,” Awadallah said. “She is O.K., but her friend Tariq is missing.” […] Awadallah nodded. “Yes, I want him to find his friend at the end of the episode,” he said. “It will turn out that Tariq was missing for an unexpected reason.” Maha Atmawi, a 30-year-old teacher from Qalqilya, objected. “You can’t lie to children,” she said. “Most people in Gaza who are missing will not be found. This can’t be a trick. We have to show reality.”
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 16.10.2009 – 18.10.2009
- The Dark Knight – hämärin leffafoorumi IMDb:ssä? – Atson bongaus kommentilla "En ymmärrä"
- Näytteitä Nollywood-leffasta 666 (YT) – Vicen tyypit lähettää parhaita paloja Tuubiin
- Ever wondered what it would be like to dine at Fawlty Towers? – You can mention the war if you like, but just don't ask for more butter. Because if you do, your waiter, Manuel, will find an unsuspecting female diner and proceed to head-butt her. Welcome to Faulty Towers: the Dining Experience – a real-life night with Basil, his wife Sybil and the English-mangling Spanish waiter who are abusing audiences at the Edinburgh Festival.
- Kalle Kinnunen: Lauantaitanssit elokuvaksi, leffateatterit täyteen – hihi
Monty Python Jimmy Fallonin haastateltavana (video)
En saanut koko jakson kerrallaan näyttävää videosoitinta toimimaan, joten tässä haastis palasina:
Wheel of Carpet:
Eric Idle & The Roots: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life:
Muualla noteerattua 15.10.2009
- Malickin uutuus Tree of Life ei valmistu tänä vuonna – Apparition chief Bob Berney says that a year-end opening was “wishful. It’s definitely not going to come out this year.” That’s because it won’t be finished in time.
- The Missing Person -traileri – vaikuttaa jänskältä
- Ron Moore kertoo, miten Star Trekin technobabble kirjoitettiin (video) –