Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 31.12.2012 – 1.01.2013

Gideon Raff, the Israeli Creator of ”Homeland” – Israeli TV series have relatively laughable budgets compared to American shows. Whereas an episode of a hit like “Mad Men” reportedly costs $2.5 million, the average per-episode budget of an Israeli show is about fifty thousand dollars, according to Raff. (“Hatufim” is exceptional in averaging a hundred …

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 27.12.2012 – 28.12.2012

Indian Soap Operas, Ruled by Mothers-in-Law – NYTimes.com – Television isn’t an insurrectionist force in India. It’s a relatively young medium struggling to adapt to a vast viewing audience that respects tradition and suspects change. Like many an Indian bride, television here occasionally tests the boundaries but mostly finds its way by following the rules …

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 24.12.2012 – 26.12.2012

The Campy TV World of Ryan Murphy – what is appealing about Murphy’s shows: his Tourettic impulse to offend, even in the midst of the sweetest love story. Camp originated as a private language, in an era when survival as a gay man meant learning to break codes—of male and female behavior, of normality and …

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 20.12.2012 – 22.12.2012

Albert Brooks on Being Neurotic, Tweeting, and This Is 40 – Sometimes undersold, always ahead of his time, Albert Brooks has made a festival’s worth of classics—Modern Romance, Lost in America, Defending Your Life, etc. The Oscar-nominated actor-writer-director gets into it with Judd Apatow, who directed Brooks in this month’s This Is 40, on topics …

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 20.12.2012

An Examination of the Star Trek: TOS Credits – The Aesthetics of High Frame Rate Cinema – Creative COW – For projection frame rate, 60 fps is enough. In principal, there isn’t a big difference between 60 and 120 fps because the motion blur is so small the human eye cannot really differentiate this high frame …