- Writers Watching TV podcast – kanadalaiset käsikirjoittajat puhuvat televisiosta
- Guy Who Reviews Movies and Also Watches Them – The main character is a criminal named Kable, who finds himself under the control of a gamer whiz named Simon. They have to learn to put their differences aside while they play the game – Kable for his freedom, and Simon for the glory of winning Gamer of the Month.
Eventually people realize that killing people in real life is even more realistic (and therefore exponentially more fun) than killing people through a real person inside a video game. The “Murder Bill” (also known as the “Kill Bill”) is finally passed through Congress, and people just go nuts with it. Imagine Battle Royale, but for the entire world.
- YouTuben paras leffakriitikko –
Muualla noteerattua 8.10.2009
- Good Hair, Chris Rockin komediadokkari (!) hiuksista –
- Robert Towne looks back on Chinatown’s 35th anniversary – Chinatown turns 35 this year, and with it, a new, deluxe DVD of the film hits shelves October 6 from Paramount Home Video, remastered in high-definition, and featuring a commentary track with Towne and director/fan David Fincher. Robert Towne sat down over cigars in his study recently to share a few memories of how his new wave detective story was created.
- Doug Liman (ja muutama muu) bloggaa elokuvanteosta –
- Valmisteilla olevia suomalaisia dokumenttielokuvia –
Muualla noteerattua 7.10.2009 – 8.10.2009
- Leffajulisteita tehtynä retrohtavaan kirjankansityyliin – cool as heck
- Concept Art that reimagines space epics (io9) – Star Trek, Superman, Stargate, Doctor Who, Lost in Space, Planet of the Apes, BSG, Star Wars
- Matt Stonen muistio, jossa selitetään South Park -leffaan sensorien pyynnöstä tehdyt muutokset – We took out the only reference to "cum-sucking ass" in the film. It was in the counselor's office and we took it out.
- Scouting New York – location scout kertoo & näyttää työstään
Muualla noteerattua 5.10.2009
- Darling Nikki [Finke]: New Yorker Profile Sparks Profane Response – jatkoksi edelliseen
- Why Hollywood fears Nikki Finke (The New Yorker) – Hollywoodin tärkein bloggaaja New Yorkerin jutun kohteena
- Charlie Brooker: I'm not buying these things for myself any more. I'm hoarding them for future generations. – DVD and book purchases fall into two main categories: the ones you buy because you really want to watch them, and the ones you buy because you vaguely think you should.
Muualla noteerattua 1.10.2009 – 4.10.2009
- Monty Pythonista on tehty uusi, kuusituntinen (!) dokkari – “I’m proud to be a Python. It’s a badge of silliness, which is quite important. I was the gay lumberjack, I was the Spanish Inquisition, I was one-half of the fish-slapping dance. I look at myself and think that may be the most important thing I’ve ever done.”
- Toy Storyt 1 ja 2 pamahti Jenkeissä uudestaan teattereihin – 3D-versioina – “We had to have some very, very smart people at Pixar go back in and write some software and figure out a way to make it so that those files would render on our current computers,” Lasseter said.
- Peter Lynchin Project Grizzly -dokkari ilmaiseksi – In this feature-length documentary, Troy James Hurtubise goes face to face with Canada's most deadly land mammal, the grizzly bear. Troy is the creator of what he hopes is a grizzly-proof suit, and he repeatedly tests his armour – and courage – in stunts that are both hair-raising and hilarious. Directed by Peter Lynch, the film has become a cult classic in the United States and is rumoured to be a favourite of director Quentin Tarantino.
- *Crash! Boom! John Travolta! Bang!* eli From Paris With Love -traileri – "From the director of Taken and the producer of Transporter"