Nightmare – painajainen merellä tempaa mukaansa heti ensimmäisestä kuvasta lähtien. Valkoiseen mekkoon pukeutunut nainen juoksee epätoivoisena pitkin laivan käytäviä. Hän huutaa apua, mutta kukaan ei kuule. Mitä on tapahtunut? Miksi hän on hädissään? Kuinka tässä käy? – Ei vaines, huijasin. Elokuva alkaa noin, mutta ei se kovin mukaansatempaavaa ole.
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 2.12.2012
- Interview with screenwriter Ron Shusett –
- Laputa – Castle in the Sky: Characters in Different Lighting Situations – In many scenes, Laputa has the feel of an early Technicolor adventure film or a Disney feature like Peter Pan. One of Technicolor consultant Natalie Kalmus' most conspicuous rules was her demand for natural skin colors (what she believed to be the chief indicator of realism). By keeping the faces in natural tones color constancy perception made the saturated object colors of everything else in the picture stand out even more (which I believe highlights the constructedness of props and sets) and actually defined that glorious look that we generally associate with three-strip Technicolor films.
- Lightworks NLE – täysverinen ilmainen nonlineaarinen leikkausohjelma
Marraskuu / 140 merkkiä / kerrallaan
END OF WATCH (US’12): Predictable, cheats on its own concept-and yet I kinda liked it. Made me wanna rewatch Colors.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 1, 2012
Arvio Domessa.
THE PAPERBOY (US’12): The freak gallery bit works better than the mystery / thriller. McConaughey’s third slimy Southener this year?
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 1, 2012
BERBERIAN SOUND STUDIO (UK’12): Heavy on mood with a bit of meta head fuck towards the end. Could’ve packed a bigger punch.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 1, 2012
PALME (SE’12): A solid biography told in traditional chronological order. Loads of archival footage with a sprinkling of talking heads.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 2, 2012
GHOST IN THE SHELL 2: INNOCENCE (JP’04): Couldn’t make heads/tails of the story but damn it looks good. Held my interest > Sky Crawlers
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 2, 2012
NIGHTBREED: THE CABAL CUT (US’90/’12): ”This is too weird!” #nightvisionsff
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 3, 2012
DREDD (UK/ZA’12): Yay for the Judges. Story, gore & prod design get a pass. Fail on the use of the word ’fail.’ Lacking in satire.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 4, 2012
KUMMISETÄNI THAIMORSIAN (FI’12): Honest opinionated youth goes home wrecking. Heartfelt with slight structural / show don’t tell problems.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 7, 2012
LIFE OF PI (US’12): High camp on the high seas. Sorry but the magic didn’t take. Closeups of CGI kitty look good.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 8, 2012
RISE OF THE GUARDIANS (US’12): Mashes mythological mish up real good. Loads of flying, ’believe in yourself’, dual sword-wielding Santa etc
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 9, 2012
THE READER (US’08): How long does one need to watch simulated copulation with violins playing in the background? 2nd viewing, for an essay.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 11, 2012
DE ROUILLE ET D’OS (FR’12): Rough,beautiful, devastating. All actors in top form, few structural quibbles (like the final scene).
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 12, 2012
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (US’12): Shock-full of gags as befits a film cowritten by R Smiegel. Best animated feature since Rango?
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 13, 2012
IMAGINAERUM (FI/CA’12): Pathetic fallacy galore with lousy-ass CGI and a massively earnest parents-children theme.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 14, 2012
CALL GIRL (SE’12): Not really a thriller but an indictment of the entire system with one man standing up for justice.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 15, 2012
FAUST (RU’11): Not sure I got any of it but! Feels like the Academy ratio frame cannot contain all the life that’s in the film.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 15, 2012
WARRIOR (US’11): Fights dramatically flat, scenes outside the cage seem almost perfunctory. The National isn’t enough to fix it.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 18, 2012
TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE (US’12): Actors transcend the so-so script. Adams is phenomenonal, even Timberlake mostly holds up.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 20, 2012
KILLING THEM SOFTLY (US’12): A lot of talk, a little action (not in the action movie sense but vita activa and all that).
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 20, 2012
Arvio Domessa.
MIESTEN VÄLISIÄ KESKUSTELUITA (FI’12): Kukkonen plays an asshole novelist who grows as a human through writing about heavy themes.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 22, 2012
Butt-ugly handheld DSLR footage and heavy handed prose that’s supposed to be awe-inspiring. Even the almighty Kukkonen isn’t at his best.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 22, 2012
TAKE THIS WALTZ (CA’11): An unrequited love triangle with a steady buildup, some clever structural bits and loads of golden/red light.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 22, 2012
GOLDFINGER (UK’64): The score is even better than I remembered. Jimmy Bond is even more of a sexist pig than I remembered, too.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 24, 2012
BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD (US’12): Hushpuppy, O fearless Hushpuppy. Let me sing the praises of your presence and energy, O Hushpuppy.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 27, 2012
I am considerably less enthralled by the handheld cinematography, especially in the first act or so.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 27, 2012
At its worst I felt it was more about (signalling) being shot handheld than about what’s in front of the lens. Not a fruitful balance.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 27, 2012
I don’t want the camerawork to be meaningless, but neither do I want it to ignore the images being captured on film or CCD.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 27, 2012
UN AMOR (AR’11): The past is a different place you cannot return to, no matter how tempting it would seem. MOR drama, MOR execution.
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 27, 2012
YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (UK’67): Looks purtier than Goldfinger, Connery has a better grip on Bond, location footage is gorgeous, quips atrocious
— Olli Sulopuisto (@osulop) November 29, 2012
Määrä on 182. Saan siis ehkä juuri ja juuri 200 rikottua tänä vuonna.
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 29.11.2012 – 1.12.2012
- Oscar Screenplays: ’Lincoln’, ’Middle of Nowhere’, ’Amour’, ’Rust and Bone’, ’Beasts’ and More –
- The Revolution Was Televised: The Conversation – Matt Zoller Seitz ja Alan Sepinwall juttelee vuosituhannen vaihteen tv-mullistuksesta
- Kubrick App | LACMA – In conjunction with the exhibition Stanley Kubrick, LACMA has created a FREE app for iPhone and iPad. The app features photographs, script notes, an interactive timeline of Kubrick's career, and original interviews with Stan Douglas, Elvis Mitchell, Chris Nolan, Terry Semel, David Slade and Douglas Trumbull about the director's life and legacy. Excerpts from a rare 1965 interview with Kubrick, courtesy of Jeremy Bernstein, are also included.
Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 28.11.2012
- Frames Cinema Journal, issue 1 – Thompson, Stork, Lee, Shambu, Petersen…
- Moonrise Kingdom -käsis (pdf) –
- 1970-luvulla opiskelunsa aloittaneet näyttelijät, dramaturgit ja ohjaajat kokivat monta murrosta –