Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 25.02.2010

600-kiloinen kierrätysmetallista tehty alien-kuningattaren patsas – maksaa vaivaiset 6000 dollaria! Mitäs Hollywood-agentuurit oikeastaan tekevätkään? – while movie studios slash costs, television is booming, creating big opportunities for the agencies and their clients. WME2, which put together shows such as Lost, packaged more than half of the 80 scripted drama and comedy pilots commissioned this year …

Elokuvallisia huomioita maailmalta 23.12.2009

Minkä takia tuleva Robin Hood -leffa on täysin erilainen kuin käsis, josta kaikki ensin innostuivat? – The original script had enormous appeal because it had what Hollywood craves–a great part for a big movie star. But it wasn't exactly the kind of character Scott imagined for his vision of Sherwood Forest. "The script had the …

Muualla noteerattua 5.10.2009

Darling Nikki [Finke]: New Yorker Profile Sparks Profane Response – jatkoksi edelliseen Why Hollywood fears Nikki Finke (The New Yorker) – Hollywoodin tärkein bloggaaja New Yorkerin jutun kohteena Charlie Brooker: I'm not buying these things for myself any more. I'm hoarding them for future generations. – DVD and book purchases fall into two main categories: …

Muualla noteerattua 23.07.2009 – 24.07.2009

These are my links for 23.07.2009 through 24.07.2009